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Диски [3]
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В данный сборник войдет все что Вы пожелаете из данного списка:

Образы дисков:

3D Clinic Professional.ISO 527 МБ

Anatomy_and_medicine.mdf 614 МБ (Сборник CD)

atlas_anatomy.mdf 130 МБ (ИД Равновесие)

Atlas-Of-Human-Morphology-RUS 410 МБ

Glasklar Humann 3D 783 МБ

Gray Interactive Anatomy 38ed 667МБ


Netter Interactive 503 МБ

В сборник также могут войти электронные версии любых имеющихся книг по медицинской тематике и не обязательно по анатомии

Свяжитесь со мной для формирования детального заказа и цены 

Диски | Просмотров: 13585 | Дата: 26.08.2008 | Комментарии (7)

Complete Human Anatomy Primal 3D Interactive Series 9CDs

Complete human anatomy now available, in 3D with Primal. Interactive series
of 9 Cd-Roms.

The best interactive training tool on the market.
I use the Cds with nearly every patient.

Includes 9 CD-Roms:

* Interactive Hand
* Interactive Pelvis:Male & Female
* Interactive Foot & Ankle
* Interactive Head and Neck
* Interactive Hip
* Interactive Knee 1.1
* Interactive Spine
* Interactive Shoulder
* Interactive Thorax & Abdomen

+Bonus Interactive Functional Anatomy trial

* Explain injuries, conditions and treatments more effectively with this
accurate visual tool.
* Aid your interpretation of MR by comparing the 3D model with MR slices
in three planes.
* Save time when you have this vast image resource for presentations,
hand outs etc.

* Make teaching and learning enjoyable!

"Your product is a crowd pleaser"
Dr Roy Meals. Primal Partner

“I am so impressed with them that I have already planned one of my up-coming patients' treatment sessions using them to demonstrate anatomy. I am sure that they will soon take the place of my collection of anatomy books! I will be sure to demonstrate the disc's capabilities to my colleagues”.
Mark Humphreys, Bsc (Hons) 

“…..an inexhaustible resource in my ongoing studies, as well as in patient education. The clarity and attention to detail is remarkable! The facility of being able to rotate the figures through 360 deg., and the concept of building up the models layer by layer is an inspired variation on traditional teaching techniques. What a superb learning tool! Such an advantage over the two-dimensionality of a textbook!“
Alison Bell, MCSP 

“Sorry to keep saying this, but the more I see this, the more breath-taking it becomes. The sheer MAGNITUDE of effort that has produced this is incredible.”
Donald Siwek

Варианты приобретения:

10 образов дисков на 2DVD: 17 WMZ

9 дисков + 1 DVD: 22 WMZ

Почитать о продукте можете на http://www.primalpictures.com/Complete_Human_Anatomy_Series.aspx
Там же и цена без бонуса если покупать официально 1099$

Диски | Просмотров: 14960 | Дата: 26.08.2008 | Комментарии (1)

Acland's DVD Atlas of Human Anatomy Set of Six Discs: The Upper Extremity, The Lower Extremity, The Trunk, The Head and Neck, Part 1, The Head and Neck, Part 2, and The Internal Organs, DVD Six Disc Set 

Now available in DVD format, this product represents Robert Acland's painstaking efforts to bring human anatomy to life by teaching it in real-time using fresh tissues. The conversion from video to DVD provides features including searchable video images and a main menu, table of contents, index, and a glossary of anatomical terms. The advantages of these new features include greater accessibility and ease of navigation, improved speed and efficiency, and high-resolution images. Disc 1 will focus on the upper extremity, Disc 2 on the lower extremity, Disc 3 on the trunk, Discs 4 and 5 on the head and neck, and Disc 6 on the internal organs.

The six tapes in this remarkable and beautifully produced video anatomy atlas explore the fundamental structures of the Musculoskeletal System, the Head and Neck, and the Internal Organs. 

Tape 1: The Upper Extremity
Tape 2: The Lower Extremity
Tape 3: The Trunk
Tapes 4 and 5: The Head and Neck
Tape 6: The Internal Organs

The Tapes show you true images of real, exquisitely dissected human anatomical specimens, in three dimensions. As the camera moves from one viewpoint to another, the specimen appears to rotate in space, letting the viewer experience it as a three dimensional object. Acland's Video Atlas uses fresh, unembalmed specimens that retain the color, texture, mobility--and beauty--of the living human body.

A concise synchronized narration runs throughout the video. As each new structure is shown, its name appears on the screen. There is a self-testing feature at the end of each section. A visible time signal shows where you are in the program. The reference booklet gives you both an alphabetic and a chronologic index, with time locations for each structure.

For students, Acland's Video Atlas is a time-saving aid to first-time learning, an effective way to relearn anatomy for clinical rotations, and a time-efficient tool for review at test time. For clinicians in training and in practice it assures a swift renewal of anatomic knowledge. For teachers Acland's Video Atlas shortens the time needed to provide immediate, satisfying explanations of three-dimensional structure.

Сет из 6 дисков пережат DivX'ом и занимает теперь 4Гб весь

Цена 11 WMZ

Диски | Просмотров: 3582 | Дата: 26.08.2008 | Комментарии (2)

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